What makes us MADE!!!!!!!!!
Madness is Perfection!!
What we can say about this two words?? both are different but looks like made for each other. possibility of each without other is zero. in this time where everyone want to make some extra some extraordinary that provoke to do madness. well dressed, well professional look not a demanding in this fast moving and growing mankind. modern view or perspective view very much attracted by traditional thinking and way of presenting the inner desire which we can describe it as madness!! but as its modern thinking as its known as the era of perfection, fulfill the title "madness is perfection"
As posted on new York times under the title "ancient jewelry finds a modern fan base" stated and described the ancient or called traditional designs which so much attract the modern people and also liked new generation teenagers.
The "bonhams" who publishing and selling the antique item by auction, sold "an Egyptian gold necklace" at the price of 42,750 sterling pound which is approx. 57,496 us dolor!!! can we imaging the amount??

An Egyptian necklace 550 to 1350 B.C. Credit...Bonhams
Its look so simple but having ancient ascent make it prefect.
Its just one example of the madness because its sold at very high value!! in otherward its simple perfection because of having uniqueness.
Same in traditional culture, its uniqueness make any one so crazy that could be desire to accept it and showing off it to the social.
Some clothing and ornament make it totally different from others like in indian culture we found so much varieties and options and now a days we can see that modern fashion world also using that in advance fashion accessories. like some bracelets, which was already people weared as ritual symbol but now its the trends. and also admiring to having it. lets have a look some of example one can found in belachi.in!!
Its just one example of the madness because its sold at very high value!! in otherward its simple perfection because of having uniqueness.
Same in traditional culture, its uniqueness make any one so crazy that could be desire to accept it and showing off it to the social.
Some clothing and ornament make it totally different from others like in Indian culture we found so much varieties and options and now a days we can see that modern fashion world also using that in advance fashion accessories. like some bracelets, which was already people weared as ritual symbol but now its the trends. and also admiring to having it. lets have a look some of example one can found in belachi.in!!
Some customized item where any one can have their beloved name!! yes in past people having some symbol of their god or liked things !!
Some more have a look
Lets have a fun with this various kadas and enjoy maddi perfaction!!!!!!!!!!!!!